Suggested Article Prompts for December 2023

  1. What do you and/or your club anticipate accomplishing in 2024?

  2. How do you plan on incorporating the holiday spirit to boost club morale during more stressful times?

  3. Reflecting on the events of 2023, what are you grateful for having done in regard to your Key Club experience?

  4. ‘Tis the season of giving! Whether it was your time or your talents, how have your gifts impacted those around you?

  5. What part of our code of elections and house of delegates do you think needs to be updated/fixed?

  6. Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you :)

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email December articles by January 5th to with the email subject: School Division December Articles.


December Task of the Month


November Task of the Month