International Updates
Hi T-O Key Club! My name is Kevin Hidalgo and I have the pleasure of serving you as your 2024-2025 International Trustee! Having the great districts of New Jersey, Wisconsin Upper-Michigan, and Texas-Oklahoma is such a privilege and excites me to go forward with the goals I have set out for the service year. If you have any questions, like how to run for International Office, how I can personally help you in your Key Club journey, or if you just want to chat, please reach out to me!
• Maintain good communication with districts
• Reach 10% membership growth in all of my district pairing for the 100th birthday to celebrate Key Club’s centennial
• Have a fun service year, where I get to meet so many of you, make friends with leaders across my districts, and hopefully see everyone at the next International Convention
Kevin Hidalgo International Trustee khidalgo@keyclub.org