Suggested Article Prompts for September 2023

  1. How are your club’s meetings going so far? What topics have you discussed, did you play any icebreaker games, etc.?

  2. How does your club plan on promoting the District Project this year?

  3. Does your club use social media to promote communication? If so, how?

  4. Elaborate on the changes you are planning to implement in your club this year. 

  5. What fundraising events do you have planned?

  6. What do you know about parliamentary procedure? How do you think it can benefit your club?

  7. Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you :)

You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email September articles by October 5th to with the email subject: School Division September Articles.


September Task of the Month


August Task of the Month