is one of the largest Key Club International Districts with over 16,000+ members!
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The Top 25 clubs are determined by the Secretary and Editor's monthly reports. Make sure you try to earn maximum points on the Editor report and then score as much as you can on the Secretary report. Your club should stay consistent with volunteer opportunities, socials, fundraisers, and interacting with Kiwanis and other clubs in your division.
If you're interested in becoming a Lieutenant Governor, then you must run at your division's Divisional Election Conference (DEC) held in either December or January, give your speech, answer questions, and be voted between other possible candidates. LTG by appointment is also possible if there are vacancies. If you're interested in becoming District Staff, you must run at LEDCON and go through caucusing, a fish bowl question during Leadership luncheon, and finally House of Delegates (if you are 1 of 2 candidates that progressed through caucusing).
LEDCON stands for Leadership and Education District Conference and is our annual convention every year during April. Members can participate in the Welcoming Activity which consists of the Andy B's arcade and other games fitting the LEDCON theme. There are a variety of contests that members can participate in and many awards that are given out to recognize the hard work of officers, advisors, clubs, etc. Overall, LEDCON celebrates Key Club members and is an exciting experience that everyone should experience at least once!
Google forms will open up for Contests & Awards around a month or earlier before LEDCON and will be available on this website. It is highly suggested that award applicants prepare for their awards through accessing the C&A Code and following their respective rubric to achieve as much as points as they can throughout the school year.
Your club should be hosting fundraisers throughout the school year (at least once a month) in order to raise money. There are a variety of fundraiser ideas and they can be found under "Officer "Resources, specifically Treasurer Resources. A great way to get money is to ask your sponsoring Kiwanis club to help fund your trip to LEDCON. Additionally, sometimes organizations that your club has connections with could help fund your LEDCON trip.
Your club can create Instagram shout-outs throughout the year to recognize members with the most hours/participation. For example, member of the month, sophomore with the most hours, etc. Additionally, have an award for the member with the most volunteer hours at the EOY. Make sure to consistently communicate with your members and promote social events on social media platforms.
There are many training sessions held throughout the year. There is the Summer Training Program which has 4 officer training sessions, your Regional Training Conference, and the District Training Conference. Officers can learn more about their roles by accessing "Officer Resources" and "Forum presentations". If you have any further questions, you should reach out to your Lieutenant Governor or District Staff.
Reach out to your division's Lieutenant Governor, the District Administrator, or your local Kiwanis Club. They will guide you through the process!